last day of school:

friday may 31, 2024!


Thursday May 23, 2024

I found 9th grade super boring. It's like I relived the same day for 10 months. Everyday was a new chance to do something different, and that opportunity didn't come to mind until now?? A total waste. I feel like I'm running out of time now, the whole rest of the world is having more fun than me!

Why is there like 1 billion million gajillion assignments cramped into the last 2 weeks of school?? I have a study guide to complete with 100 QUESTIONS!! Who does Ms. Luong think I am?

I took ID pictures for the next school year along with my 8th period classmates today. Makes no sense at all. We're all gonna look completely different by then right? At least my hair looked pretty good.

You know how I know god is real??? I stopped doing my algebra assignment because it was getting complicated so I just gave up and watched youtube. Then my classmate starts doing my work for me?? So strange and unexpected. I'M NOT COMPLAINING THOUGH!!

by andrea f.


I just remembered how GOOD Enema of The State by blink-182 is. It's so GOOD. No matter how old I am, this album is on loop.

Song of The Entry...

click (k) to pause

Future Plans

I promise I'll ACTUALLY do something this summer intead of of hiding in my room all day. But I'm not gonna spend these 2 months doing something I don't like, so, I'll volunteer at a shelter!! To add community service hours to my college application and hang with puppies & kittens all day!! (Maybe even adopt one of them!!)
